Katrina's Angels

Coordinating resources for the survivors of major natural disasters.

August 2005 - August 2014

Katrinas Angels did its best

Sadly, Katrina's Angels, Inc. is forced to close due to lack of volunteers and funds. A core group of us have valiantly tried to help those in need since August, 2005.

We believe that with the advent of social media, and the way local groups spring up and can better handle some situations, the old way of doing things no longer works. It is time for us to move on, whether that be volunteering in some capacity online or in our own locales. As of this posting, we will no longer be accepting donations.

The board of K.A. will decide to disseminate what funds we have left to a cause compatible with KA's mission and charter.

As for you? Please, look into your heart and find a worthy organization with "street cred" to support, through your time,resources or donations.

It has been an honor to serve you. We'll still be out there, somewhere. If there is any information you would like, please copy and paste it into your own documents, as these pages will be disappearing, and are scheduled for deletion in the near future.

On behalf of the Katrinas Angels Board of Directors,

Karen Iwicki

Katrina's Angels, Inc.


News and Announcements

Who We Are

Katrina's Angels is a national volunteer effort that is driven by the generosity of people wanting to make a difference for those communities affected by federally and state-declared disasters. We are committed to providing coordinated solutions to rebuild the lives of those in communities affected by disaster through our volunteers and our partners. Katrina's Angels is incorporated in the State of New York and is registered as a Public Charity 501(c)3. EIN 13-4364286. We need angels willing to lend a hand as well as people willing to coordinate our angels. Please visit our Volunteer Page to join our efforts.

Our Results

We have had hundreds of volunteers registered in our organization at various times, and a growing list of partners who work together to serve the needs of those people affected by federally and state-declared disasters. Following the hurricanes of 2005, Katrina's Angels had 900+ evacuees and their families register and many families had every one of their needs filled. Even more inspiring are the results we have achieved since that time. To read more accomplishments by our organization and its partners, please visit our Results Page or the Angels in Action Forum .