Katrina's Angels

Coordinating resources for the survivors of major natural disasters.

BIOGRAPHY - Assistant Program Director

Leslie Teltoe

Leslie Teltoe, Assistant Program Director, has 20 years experience in the Medical Insurance Industry as a Claims Adjuster, Inspector/Interviewer, Auditor, Trainer, as well as running an eBay home business part time for last 4 years.

After seeing the devastating images of Hurricane Katrina on television, it was all Leslie could do to keep from jumping in her car to drive to the Gulf to assist survivors. This not being an option, clearly the alternative was for her to apply her internet and computer skills to network resources and orchestrate direct assistance to family's in need. Leslie continues relief work daily, and plans to volunteer at ground zero in Mississippi with her college age son in January '06.

Personal Quote: Let no one person be left behind...where there are gaps...God willing help me to fill it.