Katrina's Angels

Coordinating resources for the survivors of major natural disasters.

Job Application

Apply for a specific Employment Opportunity or post your application for consideration for any of our jobs by filling out the Job Application below. By submitting a job application, you will be seen by one of our placement specialists and/or one of the employers offering a job. These jobs and placement services are donated specifically for evacuees of Katrina, Rita and other hurricanes. Your status as an evacuee will be verified by a placement specialist.

Click on the "Click To Submit" button to submit your application. Your information is secure and will not be shared with any outside parties. You will not receive spam from this registration.

* Required fields.

Applicant Contact Information
First Name *:     Last Name*:
Address 1*:
Address 2:
Address 3:
State*:     Zip*:
Phone 1*:     Phone 2:
JOB INFORMATION (If you are applying for a specific job)
Job Number:
Is job
affiliated w/
Job Event?:
URL of Photo:
(If you want a photo posted with your resume', paste the URL of your photo file.)
Title Of Posting*:
(Name this posting. This will be the title people will see.)
Primary Category*:
(Select the secondary category of job you are looking for)
Secondary Category:
(Select the primary category of job you are looking for)
Other Category:
(If the job category you are looking for is not in the menu, type your job category here.)
Your Summary:
(Summarize yourself or your skills in one sentence.)
Your Introduction:
(Expand on your introduction about yourself or your skills.)
(What are your objectives with the job you are seeking.)
(List the schools attended and degrees you have earned.)
(List the previous jobs you have had beginning with the most recent.)
(List your skills and proficiencies.)
(List your certifications and special awards.)
(List your references and their contact information.)
(If you have any final notes for the employer, write them here.)
Pay Desired: $ per
Preferred Location:
Date Available:     Password*:
I have read and agree to the terms of the User Agreement. By checking this box, I acknowledge that Katrina's Angels is a medium of information exchange provided for the purpose of assistance of displaced residents of Hurricane Katrina. I am providing my information at my own risk and understand that Katrina's Angels and other partner organizations shall not be responsible for the conduct of any person who contacts me through Katrina's Angels web site. I further understand that Katrina's Angels may provide my contact information to third-party relief organizations working to employ displaced residents. I hereby release Katrina's Angels, ATAYAL, and each of its present and former officers, directors, employees, representatives, agents, and affiliates, and partner organizations from any liability with respect to any acts or omissions of any person who contacts me through the Service or through a third-party relief organization.